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Friday, April 16, 2010

God Works In A Mysterious Way

Above is my picture before and after I have dogs. For all my life, I've always wanted to lose weight. I tried many types of diet, workouts and even joined a gym. I spent quite a bit of money on this but I seemed couldn't get my ideal weight. Just look at my face now and then.

So, I guess that's how God answered my prayer. I prayed to be healthy. If I didn't have dog, I wouldn't go out for a walk or run around playing with my dogs. I would be a lazy bump. Wake up late and watch tv all day. I wouldn't have LIVED.

Now I have to wake up early everyday to give them food. Instead of staying at home I go out, meet new dog lovers and I learn more things, gained more knowledge because of these dogs.

I've always wanted to be an inspirational speaker. I didn't know how. But because of these dogs, on May 8th 2010, I'll give my first public speaking gig. I'm sharing my life story and how people can achieve a satisfying & rewarding life like I do.

What I learn here and what I'd like to share with you is this... God works in a mysterious way. Most of the time you won't directly get what you ask for. You have to be aware, observe what's going on around you and ask yourself, does this have anything to do with what I want in life?

Just four years ago, I never imagined I'd have 12 dogs (I knew nothing about dogs!) and doing what I'm doing now.

We can set the destination, but the road that we're going to take to reach there might be totally different from our initial plan.


Fajar Priyanto said...

Yes agree. So truly true ^^

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